Jolease Enterprises

Embarking on a Journey to Your Best Yes

April 11, 20243 min read

Hey Risers!


I’m thrilled to share something truly close to my heart—a series of tips that have the power to transform the way you make decisions, prioritize your life, and, most importantly, find your best yes. This journey was inspired by a book that profoundly changed my life: "The Best Yes" by Lysa TerKeurst.


I’ll be honest; for the longest time, I found myself caught in the trap of people-pleasing. It was exhausting, leaving me drained and often lost, wondering where my own priorities had gone. It felt like I was living for everyone but myself, always saying yes to avoid disappointing others, even at the cost of my own well-being.


Then, I came across Lysa’s book. This book was truly a wake-up call. It showed me that every yes I say to someone else often means a no to my own needs, dreams, and health. It taught me the importance of discernment, of choosing which opportunities to embrace based on whether they align with my deepest values and long-term goals.


So, inspired by Lysa's wisdom, I decided to embark on a journey towards intentional living, and I invite you to join me. I’ve been sharing tips on social media and I want to elaborate a little more here in the blog. Over the coming weeks, I’ll share six key tips that have helped me navigate the sea of demands with more grace, confidence, and purpose. These aren’t just lessons; they’re lifelines for anyone feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, or just plain lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life.


This series is for you if you’ve ever felt like you’re running on a hamster wheel, trying to be everything to everyone and ending up nowhere. It’s for you if you’re ready to start making mindful choices that lead to a richer, more fulfilling life.


Let’s take this journey together, from understanding the power of a purposeful no to embracing the joy of a heartfelt yes. It’s time to discover not just your best yes, but a life of purpose, balance, and joy.


This week’s tip is to Learn to Acknowledge Your Limits


Have you ever felt like you're trying to do everything for everyone? I sure have. And let me tell you, it's exhausting. It’s super important for us to realize that we have limits.  It sounds simple, but it's a game-changer.


Imagine your energy is like a cup of water. Every task you take on pours a little bit out. If you keep saying yes to everything, eventually, your cup will run dry. I learned this the hard way. I used to say yes to every request, thinking I was being helpful and strong. But over time, I noticed I was running on empty, feeling tired and stressed all the time.


That's when it hit me. I needed to start acknowledging my limits. It wasn't about giving up; it was about choosing where to spend my energy wisely. Here's how you can do it too:


  1. Listen to Your Body: Your body tells you when you're taking on too much. Feeling tired, stressed, or overwhelmed are signs to slow down.

  2. It's Okay to Say No: Really, it is. Saying no to something means you're saying yes to something else—like rest or time with family.

  3. Prioritize: Ask yourself, "Is this really important to me?" Focus on what matters most to you.


Once I started practicing this, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I had more time for the things I loved and felt happier and more energized. It wasn't easy at first, but with practice, it got better.

So, take a moment to think about your own life. Are you trying to fill too many cups with just one pitcher? Remember, acknowledging your limits isn't a weakness—it's a sign of strength. It means you know yourself and what you value most. And that's the first step to living a life that truly makes you happy.

Jolease Enterprises
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