Jolease Enterprises

Setting Clear Priorities

April 18, 20242 min read

Hey Risers!

This week, we're looking at tip #2 on our journey to finding our best yes: Setting Clear Priorities. Why is it necessary to know what's important to us?

Before having back pain challenges, I loved to garden. Looking back on those days I thought of the perfect analogy. Imagine your life is like a garden. You've got a certain amount of water (your time and energy), but you can't water every plant, or the whole garden won't thrive. Just like in our lives, we can't do everything, so we need to pick what matters most to us.

A while back, I was trying to do it all: work, family, friends, hobbies. You name it, I was there. But, honestly, I was stretching myself too thin, and nothing was getting the best of me. That's when I realized I needed to set clear priorities. I had to decide which "plants" in my garden were most important.

Here's how you can do it too:

1. List Your Values: What's super important to you? Family? Health? Helping others? Write it down.

2. Match Your Time to Your Values: Look at where you spend your time. Does it match your values? If not, it might be time for a change.

3. Learn to Say No: If something doesn't fit with your top priorities, it's okay to say no. Remember, saying no to one thing means you can say yes to something else that's more important.

After I did this, things started to change for me. I felt less stressed and more focused. My family noticed I was more present, and I started to enjoy my hobbies again because I wasn't rushing through them.

Setting clear priorities isn't about giving up things; it's about choosing to water the plants in your garden that you love most. It's about making your garden beautiful and full of the things that make you happiest.

So, take a little time today to think about your garden. What are your most important "plants"? Once you know, you can start to make your garden thrive.

Remember, it's your garden. Make it reflect what you love most.

Jolease Enterprises
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